Table of Contents
to be able to build anything on MacOS, install Command Line Tools for Xcode using the following command:
xcode-select --install
To successfully build mosquitto, cmake is required. To install cmake, follow along these instructions:
First time install:
./bootstrap make make install
Updating cmake:
cmake . make make install
Clone master-branch from Github:
git clone --single-branch -b master
Change directory into mosquitto:
cd ./mosquitto
Building with SSL-support
When building with SSL:
export OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="$HOME_BREW/Cellar/openssl/1.x.x" export OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR="$OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR/include"
Generate makefiles
cmake .
make & install libmosquitto
cd ./lib make sudo make install
make & install mosquitto clients
cd ../client make sudo make install
In case you screwed up, clean directory and repeat
git clean -f -d git reset --hard
Alternatively: Build without SSL
To build without SSL-support add option -DWITH_TLS=OFF. This inherits -DWITH_TLS_PSK=OFF.
Other options
- c-ares (libc-ares-dev on Debian based systems) - disable with `make WITH_SRV=no`
- libuuid (uuid-dev) - disable with `make WITH_UUID=no`
- libwebsockets (libwebsockets-dev) - enable with `make WITH_WEBSOCKETS=yes`
- openssl (libssl-dev on Debian based systems) - disable with `make WITH_TLS=no`
cmake: Surpress Policy CMP0042 Warning
Add -DCMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH=ON to cmake command
If you build with -WITH_SRV=OFF this is not needed.
Download latest archive from
./configure make sudo make install
public/mosquitto-clients.txt ยท Last modified: 2018/05/28 21:25 by jan